Monday, December 10, 2018

12/10-12/14 Spelling List and Homework Note

Dear Parents and Students,

This is our last full week before Christmas Break! Next week there is only school for 3 days, the 17th,
18th, and 19th. The 17th will be my last day before the break since my husband is having major surgery
on the 18th (thyroidectemy). So we will have a little class party on the 17th involving an ugly sweater
contest, a hot chocolate bar, watching "The Grinch" and doing a white elephant gift exchange. So all
students should bring a silly/fun/free or cheap white elephant gift wrapped up for that day of school.
They will still also participate in the 6th grade level party on the 19th.This week we are working on
converting measurements in math. We will be finishing up our insulation
projects in science and our book club projects in reading. I hope you all have a wonderful

Professor Malouf
Unit 3: Week 3
Spelling Words
1. address
2. against
3. always
4. answer
5. because
6. believe
7. brought
8. children
9. cousin
10. doesn’t
11. dollar
12. enough
13. guess
14. instead
15. people
16. receive
17. straight
18. until
19. usually
20. woman

Vocabulary Words:
1. abundant—present in large quantities
2. impoverished—has few resources or little wealth
3. ingenuity—show cleverness or skillfulness
4. productivity—the rate at which a person or business
makes or does something
5. sharecropper—a farmer who rents part of another farmer’s land by paying the farmland owner with money or a portion of the crop

6. solitude—alone
7. unearthed—to discover, dig up, or get out of the ground
8. windswept—not protected from the wind

Sunday, December 9, 2018

1/7-1/11 Spelling List and Homework Note

Welcome back! We are working on algebra in math and biography this week in reading. We are switching science rotations so this week our class gets to go to Miss Menlove's for science to learn about ecosystems! Let's have an amazing week!
Unit 3: Week 4
Spelling Words
1. unclear
2. prolong
3. incomplete
4. enlarge
5. outfield
6. outcry
7. unable
8. outpost
9. enlist
10. superstar
11. outlaw
12. proclaim
13. unhook
14. superhuman
15. indirect
16. enrich
17. outstanding
18. uncommon
19. incorrect
20. uneven
Vocabulary Words:
1. adept—very skilled and knowledgeable
2. aristocracy—a group of people who occupy a high social class of wealth or power
3. collective—group of individuals working together
4. perseverance—a steady course of action, especially in spite of difficulty
5. prevail—to succeed or win at something
6. prominent—important or easily recognized
7. spectators—people who are part of an audience
8. trailblazer—someone who leads others into something new or unfamiliar

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Book Club Projects.

The students have been in book clubs the last 6 weeks. They are finishing up their books this week and will need to present their books next Friday, December 14th with their group. they may need to get together outside of class if they choose certain projects. Here is what it will look like:

Book Club Report
Fill out this form about your book as a group. Then decide what project you want to do for your book and present to the class. You will need to talk to the class about your book and retell the book from the beginning to an exciting part without giving away the ending or any spoilers. The goal is to get the class excited to read the book themselves. We will present in class the afternoon of:  Friday, December 14th!

Book Club Members:

Title and author of the book:


Point of View (1st or 3rd):

Theme (Big Idea, Moral, or Message):

Main Characters:

Protagonist (Hero):

Antagonist (Enemy or Evil Character):


Problem & Solution of Story:

Retell the Book from the Beginning to an Exciting Part Script:
(Be sure to include important details like the setting, who the main characters are, important events, etc.)

In the beginning of:



After that:

And to find out what happens next, you’ll have to read ______________.

Project Ideas:
Feel free to choose any of these projects to present your book or think of your own! Make sure you all collaborate together!

  1. Make a book preview/trailer on google slides, adobe spark, or IMovie.
  2. Design a poster to advertise your book. Be creative…use detail…elaborate…use color! Can you make it 3-D or movable?
  3. Design a game, based on the events in the book.. Be sure to include clear directions and provide everything needed to play.
  4. Look through magazines for words and pictures that describe your book. Use these to create a collage on a bookmark. Make the bookmark available for others to use as they read the same book.
  5. Make paper dolls of the characters in the book you read with different outfits for them to wear
  6. Puppet Show! Include a Script.
  7. Make a time-line of the major events in the book you read. Use drawings or magazine cutouts to illustrate events along the time-line.
  8. Interview a character from your book. Write at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. However you choose to present your interview is up to you.
  9. Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events. Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary.
  10. Build a miniature stage setting of a scene in the book. Include a written explanation of the scene.
  11. Create a mini-comic book retelling a chapter of the book.
  12. Write and perform an original song that tells the story of the book.
  13. Be a TV or radio reporter, and give a report of a scene from the book as if it is happening "live".
  14. Write a newspaper article about the story.
  15. Write poems about the story and read them to the class.
  16. Write a mini-book or picture book of the story.
  17. Make a travel brochure advertising the setting of the story.
  18. Write an obituary for one of the characters. Be sure to include life-time accomplishments.
  19. Choose a job for one of the characters in the book and fill out an  application.
  20. Write an ad for a dating service for one of the characters.
  21. Write a reader’s theater and perform it for the class.
  22. Make a new book cover
  23. Write another ending to the story or a new scene in the book that you wish was in it but wasnt’.
  24. Make “Wanted” posters for characters in the book.Include the following: (a) a drawing or cut out picture of the character or object, (b) a physical description of the character or object, (c) the character’s or object’s misdeeds (or deeds?), (d) other information about the character or object which is important, (e) the reward offered for the capture of the character or object.
  25. Perform a dance to a song that goes along with the theme of the book.
  26. Write letters from one character to another character and a reply.
  27. Make a map showing where the story took place.
  28. Make a crossword puzzle using ideas from a book. Need at least 25 entries.
  29. Write a letter to the author of your novel and explain how you feel about the book.
  30. Make a test for the book you read. Include 10 true-false, 10 multiple choice, and 10 short essay questions. After writing the test, provide the answers for your questions.
  31. Complete a series of five drawings that show five of the major events in the plot of the book you read. Write captions for each drawing so that the illustrations can be understood by someone who did not read the book.
  32. Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. An explanation of how this character fits into the book should accompany the sculpture.
  33. Plan a vacation for one or more characters in the book. Where will they go? What will they eat, see, do. Where will they stay?
  34. Design and build a mobile on a hanger with images and objects that represent the events, characters, theme, setting, etc. in the book.
  35. Your Own Idea:

Decide which project you will do and how each member of the group will contribute. Show me your plan below:

Monday, December 3, 2018

12/3-12/7 Spelling List and Homework Note


Happy last month of 2018! Only 13 school days before Christmas Break starts on Thursday, December 20th. Tonight is the last
night of the play Annie. I'm so proud of all the hard work and amazing performance they have given. We will get to see Oak
Canyon perform a choir concert on Friday and our school's choir will be performing at the mall on Thursday. In science we are
working on heat and energy. Keep those insulation items coming in!
We will do a test on percents this Thursday! Let's have a great week!

Professor Malouf
Unit 3: Week 2
Spelling Words
1. actor
2. sweeper
3. scatter
4. gutter
5. platter
6. customer
7. sweater
8. flavor
9. mirror
10. vinegar
11. gardener
12. solar
13. calendar
14. waiter
15. barber
16. alligator
17. hammer
18. wander
19. tractor
20. editor
Vocabulary Words:
1. dilemma—a difficult problem or choice to be made
2. feebly—done weakly
3. persistent—continues in spite of interference or opposition
4. recoiled—fell back suddenly in fear or shock
5. roused—woken up from sleep or rest
6. skewed—took an indirect route
7. summon—call upon something for a certain action
8. vastness—very large

5/20 Spelling List and Homework Note

This is our last spelling list/test of the year! Next Monday there is no school. On Tuesday we have Field Day and our School Wide Movie of ...