Sunday, September 30, 2018
UVU Women's Volleyball Field Trip. Go Wolverines!
We had such a great time touring Utah Valley University and then cheering on the Women's Volleball Team on our first field trip. The students were wonderful fans decorating their faces, making posters, cheering, stomping their feet, dancing with Willy the Wolverine and the cheerleaders, and being all around the coolest kids there. I think it strengthened their bonds and our classroom community and connectedness. It was a marvelous experience.
10/1 Homework Note and Spelling Words
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy October! Don’t forget about the Halloween Carnival tonight from 4-7 pm!
Last week’s field trip to the UVU Women’s’ Volleyball game was a blast. This week we will be going on a
field trip to the Clark Planetarium on Friday. If your student is bringing home lunch, please send it in a
brown paper sack with their name written on it neatly so we can dispose of it while we’re out.
Due to limited bus space and funds, we can’t invite any parents on this field trip. However if you’d like to
pay for yourself and drive yourself you are welcome to meet us there and tag along. This will be such a
great extension to all we’ve been learning about in science the last several weeks. Next week on Wednesday
and Thursday, the 10th and 11th I get to meet with you about your student’s progress and goals at
parent-teacher conferences. We will be finishing up our fraction unit in math this week with dividing fractions.
In their math reflections, please help think of ways what we learn in math applies to real life problems and
solutions.Happy 7th week of school!
Last week’s field trip to the UVU Women’s’ Volleyball game was a blast. This week we will be going on a
field trip to the Clark Planetarium on Friday. If your student is bringing home lunch, please send it in a
brown paper sack with their name written on it neatly so we can dispose of it while we’re out.
Due to limited bus space and funds, we can’t invite any parents on this field trip. However if you’d like to
pay for yourself and drive yourself you are welcome to meet us there and tag along. This will be such a
great extension to all we’ve been learning about in science the last several weeks. Next week on Wednesday
and Thursday, the 10th and 11th I get to meet with you about your student’s progress and goals at
parent-teacher conferences. We will be finishing up our fraction unit in math this week with dividing fractions.
In their math reflections, please help think of ways what we learn in math applies to real life problems and
solutions.Happy 7th week of school!
Professor Malouf
Spelling Words: Plural Words
1. echoes
2. photos
3. data
4. scarves
5. volcanoes
6. shelves
7. media
8. lives
9. wolves
10. potatoes
11. solos
12. thieves
13. wives
14. cuffs
15. staffs
16. tomatoes
17. sofas
18. tornadoes
19. pianos
20. loaves
Vocabulary Words: Bonus Words
1. artifact—a human-made object, usually from a particular
period in history
2. communal—shared by a group
3. derived—can be traced back to its origin
4. inscription—something that is written, engraved, carved,
or painted as a lasting record
5. millennium—a period of 1,000 years
6. stationery—writing paper or envelopes
7. utilize—to use something
8. yields—the amounts or quantities of something
produced or grown, such as crops
Monday, September 24, 2018
9/24 Spelling List and Homework Note
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy 6th week of 6th grade!!! We get to go on our field trip this Thursday to tour
UVU campus and watch the women’s volleyball game. Go Wolverines! If you lose
your spelling list, check to study at home. The
Halloween Carnival is coming one Monday from today, October 1st from 4-7. I hope
to see you all there. Please have your students fill out their homework math
reflection in complete sentences and to make sure they relate what we are
learning to the real world/life! Let’s have a great week!
UVU campus and watch the women’s volleyball game. Go Wolverines! If you lose
your spelling list, check to study at home. The
Halloween Carnival is coming one Monday from today, October 1st from 4-7. I hope
to see you all there. Please have your students fill out their homework math
reflection in complete sentences and to make sure they relate what we are
learning to the real world/life! Let’s have a great week!
Professor Malouf
1. heartbeat
2. northwest
3. seaweed
4. eyelid
5. seashell
6. twenty-five
7. farmyard
8. roundup
9. teammate
10. right-handed
11. full-time
12. windshield
13. watermelon
14. rooftop
15. blindfold
16. light bulb
17. after-school
18. teenager
19. fisherman
20. question mark
Bonus Words:
Bonus Words:
1. available—ready for use or purchase
2. basically—in the main or most important ways
3. factors—things that contribute to a result
4. fluctuate—to move back and forth or up and down
5. formula—a rule or method for doing something
6. inventory—the amount of goods or products that is
2. basically—in the main or most important ways
3. factors—things that contribute to a result
4. fluctuate—to move back and forth or up and down
5. formula—a rule or method for doing something
6. inventory—the amount of goods or products that is
7. manufactured—to be made by machines, often in large
7. manufactured—to be made by machines, often in large
8. salaries—the amounts of money workers earn for doing
8. salaries—the amounts of money workers earn for doing
a job
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
9/17 Spelling List and homework note
Unit 1 Week 4 Spelling list:
1. search
2. starve
3. thorn
4. reward
5. parking
6. bargain
7. hardship
8. surf
9. servant
10. torch
11. earn
12. scorn
13. gourd
14. glory
15. urge
16. quart
17. court
18. their
19. verb
20. blurt
21. cascaded
22. documentation
23. dynamic
24. exerts
25. plummeting
26. pulverize
27. scalding
28. shards
1. search
2. starve
3. thorn
4. reward
5. parking
6. bargain
7. hardship
8. surf
9. servant
10. torch
11. earn
12. scorn
13. gourd
14. glory
15. urge
16. quart
17. court
18. their
19. verb
20. blurt
21. cascaded
22. documentation
23. dynamic
24. exerts
25. plummeting
26. pulverize
27. scalding
28. shards
Dear Parents and Students,
It’s another great week of school! This week we are going to be finishing up our 9/11 essays and starting our personal narratives. Some students are saying they can’t think of any interesting stories to share about themselves-remind them! Go through family photos, etc. :). We are working on fractions in math and astronomy in science. Please continue to have your student’s read 30 minutes a night and to fill out their math reflection in COMPLETE sentences to turn in Friday :). I am sending home another book order. You order them online at and our class code is: TLQ2Y. Thank you for ordering! Also don’t forget to check out and if you haven’t signed up for remind to do so here: or by texting @k3edgkc to the number 81010. Our first field trip is next week to tour UVU and see the women’s volleyball game! If you haven’t sent in your $20 donation that covers our field trips and 6th grade graduation costs please send it in ASAP. Also we did awesome at meeting our box top goal last month! Thank you for all your help. You guys are amazing.
Professor Malouf
Monday, September 10, 2018
Week 4 HW Note
Spelling list:
Spelling Words
1. accuse
2. affect
3. beautiful
4. bought
5. busy
6. caught
7. different
8. done
9. effect
10. embarrass
11. especially
12. except
13. excuse
14. library
15. minute
16. nickel
17. probably
18. their
19. there
20. they’re
2. affect
3. beautiful
4. bought
5. busy
6. caught
7. different
8. done
9. effect
10. embarrass
11. especially
12. except
13. excuse
14. library
15. minute
16. nickel
17. probably
18. their
19. there
20. they’re
Vocabulary Words:
1. classification—the act of sorting things into groups
2. compartment—a separate section
3. engulfs—to completely surround something or take it
4. flanked—to be placed or positioned on either side of
something or someone
5. maneuvering—guiding or moving something’s position
with skill
6. obscure—to hide from view
7. species—a group of related living things with very
similar characteristics
8. submerged—covered with water
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy 4th week of school! Tomorrow is 9/11, the last day for the students to complete their 9/11 interview and turn it it on Wednesday. We will have a special flag ceremony tomorrow at 2 pm. Also remember to keep filling out those moon journals! Even if you have to look it up online. Tomorrow we will be testing on Chapter 1 in math which includes prime factorization, finding the least common multiple and greatest common factor, long division with decimals, long multiplication with decimals, and addition and subtraction with decimals. On Wednesday we will begin working with fractions. In science we are continuing to learn about the solar system. On Thursday the 13th of this week I will be at a professional meeting to help me learn new ideas for science so the students will have a substitute that day.Our field trip to UVU is coming up on Thursday Sept. 27th. We have been brushing up on our volleyball skills to help us enjoy the big game! Please continue to have your students read 30 minutes minimum daily! Thank you!Have a wonderful week!
Professor Malouf
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Phases of the Moon
We did an activity with Oreos to remind us what the shapes and phase names of the moon are. If you are curious what phase we are in now, click on the link below!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018
9/11 Interview
The students were sent home with some questions to be used to interview someone about the attacks on 9/11. If the students lose their interview questions in some way here is a link to where you may print off another:
The interview should be completed and turned in by the student on Wednesday, 9/12. We will write a 5 paragraph informational essay in class using interview questions/answers as a guide.
The students should interview someone who is 32 years or older currently or was at least in high school when the attacks occurred.
If you have any questions please email me at
Monday, September 3, 2018
Sept. 4th-Sept. 7th Homework Note
Dear Parents and Students,
I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day! Today the students will be sent home with 2 extra pieces of homework. They must interview someone who is currently at least 32 years or older about what they remember and how they felt on 9/11/01 (They should have been in high school or older when it happened). They have until next Wednesday, 9/12 to turn in their interview questions. They can interview a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, anyone. We will take those interview questions and use them to write an informational essay in class. I hope this is a meaningful and impactful assignment for the students. The other peice of homework is a "Moon Observation Journal". They need to draw what the moon looks like each day for 2 weeks and label the moon phase it is in and date it. They should start it today and turn it in on Tuesday the 18th. They will also have their regular math reflection, spelling studying, and 30 minutes of daily independent reading as well. I hope you all have an amazing week!
Professor Malouf
I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day! Today the students will be sent home with 2 extra pieces of homework. They must interview someone who is currently at least 32 years or older about what they remember and how they felt on 9/11/01 (They should have been in high school or older when it happened). They have until next Wednesday, 9/12 to turn in their interview questions. They can interview a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, anyone. We will take those interview questions and use them to write an informational essay in class. I hope this is a meaningful and impactful assignment for the students. The other peice of homework is a "Moon Observation Journal". They need to draw what the moon looks like each day for 2 weeks and label the moon phase it is in and date it. They should start it today and turn it in on Tuesday the 18th. They will also have their regular math reflection, spelling studying, and 30 minutes of daily independent reading as well. I hope you all have an amazing week!
Professor Malouf
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5/20 Spelling List and Homework Note
This is our last spelling list/test of the year! Next Monday there is no school. On Tuesday we have Field Day and our School Wide Movie of ...