Thursday, August 30, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Week 2 (Aug. 27-31)
August 27, 2018
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy 2nd week of school! I loved getting to know all of you wonderful students last week. We have an amazing class full of incredible people. This is going to be a wonderful school year. Your homework this week is the same as every week. You will study for our spelling test. Don't just study the "spellling words". Also study the "vocabulary" words as they will be worth extra credit and can help you earn that free time and get a higher score! Also read for 30 minutes independently EVERY DAY! Try to apply the comprehension strategies we focus on this week to your reading. For math homework write in complete sentences your responses to each question. If you somehow lose your reflection page simply write a reflection on any piece of paper you have on hand. (1. What did we learn about in math this week and how does it apply to the real world. 2. What struggles and questions do you have? 3. What did you enjoy and what successes did you have?) and turn the reflection in on Friday. If you are unable to finish classwork this week at school you may also take that home as homework and turn it in the following day! Thank you for all of your hard work! I'm excited for another awesome week with you all!
Professor Malouf
P.S. There are some amazing back-to-school Scholastic book order deals right now! Order online at and use the class code TLQ2Y so we can earn books for our classroom library and birthday and Christmas Gifts for the students! Thank you!
P.P.S. I started a blog for the classroom. if you go to you should be able to find it! I will update it weekly.
Week 1 (August 20-24) Homework Note
August 20, 2018
Dear Parents and Students,
Happy first week of school!
I am so excited for us all to get to know each other better and get settled
into our class procedures and learning habits. It’s going to be
an incredible school year! Your homework
for this week is to of course READ 30
MINUTES DAILY (honor system) and also study your fellow classmates’ names for our spelling test. We won’t have
specific math worksheets for homework each week, but instead have the students
write a math reflection of what they learned, what they struggled with and
questions they still have and what they enjoyed and any successes they had.
This will be turned in on Fridays each week. If they were unable to finish classwork,
or want to redo it for a better score, they may also turn that into the “homework basket” after finishing it up at home. Thank you for all
your support and hard work.
Professor Malouf
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5/20 Spelling List and Homework Note
This is our last spelling list/test of the year! Next Monday there is no school. On Tuesday we have Field Day and our School Wide Movie of ...